Sunday, March 29, 2015

Flexing My Fitness Family Muscles

Being active has always been a major part of my life.  From climbing trees to chasing cattle, swimming in the creek to wrestling my father, I always sought a physical means of exertion.  As a youngster I associated activity as play.  As a teenager I covered up my insecurities by developing my muscles on the bench and curl bar.  It felt good to feel attractive.  And as a young adult being active lead into a career in Fitness.

The WHY I am active has shifted over time--from play, to becoming more secure, to embracing a lifestyle of health, to providing for my family.  As I've become more responsible in life, now a father and husband, I feel obligated to be proactive with my health and wellness, and to provide an environment of health for my family.  The six pack abs have been replaced with new muscles of focus.  Muscles of my heart and soul, to love my family in ways I never imagined, and muscles of my character, to become a leading example for my daughter as she grows.

I'm now flexing my Fitness Family Muscles.

Like any new regime it's tough as hell in the beginning.  My wife and I confide in one another often, reminding ourselves of how lucky we are, no matter the overwhelming nature of it all.  Being first time parents is like becoming a Navy Seal overnight.  Nothing can ever prepare you; and yet we are always ready.  And when we find ourselves head underwater, fatigued, stretched thin emotionally, we always pull through, we always survive.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Truth about Truth

Truth is an interesting concept.  We mentally associate it to immutable realities.  A this-is-so belief that expands across all expressions of life.  The concept of Truth has played a major role in religion, science, and society since the beginning of human relationships.  Truth has given just and unjust people power and influence; Truth has challenged knowledge systems; Truth has always been a shape visible but not easily identified, like a mirage on the horizon.  And yet we find ourselves claiming to be it's captors, it's domesticators.

Our biggest error is in our assumption of claiming first dibs.  
We treat Truth like we've treated land. 
Claim a right, define boundaries, and associate a value of worth.  

Truth is a direction, a focused intention attached to hope.  Truth is behind our passions for knowledge, driving us forward.  Truth is our comforter when overwhelmed by an uncertain and chaotic world.  Truth is between the words of conversations, elusive and yet always present.  Truth doesn't stand still for long.

Everything you read or listen to has a directional weight, pulling you one way or another.  Always remind yourself to take in more than the words; take in the author, the author's employer, the potential author's intent, and consider more than what is said.  Chew what you eat but don't swallow it all.