Saturday, August 2, 2014

Why Fitness Will Never Be Owned

Thrusting a flag into the ground is a profound American image of pride.  "This land is ours!"  We defend and protect our ideals and philosophies with fever-pitched passion.  This passion is a beautiful testament to why we've done so well for ourselves.  But our defend and protect, militant perspective presupposes ownership, and with ownership comes the necessity for clear boundaries.

Land is only the beginning.  Philosophies, theologies, and beliefs are the new frontier.  And to wrangle up these epistemological entities we need words, we need definitions.

Before we dive into Fitness as a frontier lets look at Religion.

Religion is a beautiful, diversified, ever-changing organism in society.  It's roots reach deep into the fabric of humanity.  And as a frontier, no map has changed boundaries more often.  Religion is a mother to countless babies.  And her offspring have become parents to us all.

Fitness is an ever-expanding family.  Never before have we had so many perspectives shared at once--which gives rise to an incredible excitement for the future! And never before have we had so many neighbors disputing territorial rights.

So what is Fitness?  And to whom does it belong?

Fitness is an individual's experience shared with the community.  It belongs to us all.  And in each of us, individually, we own whatever we choose to experience.  We should focus on the experience and guard and protect the individual's right to have their own working definition.  A living definition just as alive as we are and just as evolving.

We should have the freedom to attach ourselves to broader spectrums of Fitness and to pull away at any time.  Let's learn to explore Fitness in a open-minded, conflict-free way.  And step into a future of sharing and growing.

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