Friday, November 1, 2013

Why the Weekend Warrior Isn't Enough

Fitness has officially escaped the confines of gym walls.  Gym Rats are evolving into Weekend Warriors, leaving their towels and benches behind for mountain bikes and surf boards.  People are escaping their day-to-day lives by seeking adventure and new stories to share.  But there is a downside to being only a Weekend Warrior.  When you push away your desk chair for a kayak, and bypass the gym, you might find yourself losing a few battles.

A Sedentary Week Isn't The Best Companion 
to an Athletic Weekend.  

You can't expect yourself to move from a chair at work to a mountain bike and not have a lack in performance.  Outside of underperforming you are also putting yourself at risk for injury.  Too many people are finding themselves coming back to work with crutches because their bodies are under conditioned.

A more balanced approach for training during the week needs to be established to compliment a safer, more enjoyable weekend.  Once a compromise is found the Weekend Warrior can hit it hard every weekend, and come back to work with a smile and a bucket of stories to share.

Look at Exercise as The Foundation to All Activity.  

Training can establish a strong base of strength, endurance, agility, power, and coordination.  These skills are like fingers to a hand; they add dexterity and precision to perform at a higher level.  With the proper foundation of skill development Weekend Warriors can continue to challenge themselves to new activities every weekend.

Don't Go From 0 to 100 Too Quickly!

Another error of the Weekend Warrior is jumping into an intense activity too quickly.  The body needs time for proper warmup.  Again when you move from a motionless, seated position to a 60mph downhill biking scenario there is a huge gap in function.  If the body isn't warm and primed for an activity you run a major risk for injury.  This is where training comes in during the week.  You practice a routine for warming up, the body adapts, and when you apply it outside you are ready to go!

Progression is Key.

We must always adopt an attitude of training progressively.  Progression is a directional line that connects "where we are" (skill wise) to "where we want to be".  Not all of use need to take 99 progressive steps to get to 100.  Some of us start at 50 and some of us skip 5 steps at a time.  But no matter who you are, we all follow the same path to progress forward.

Our Ultimate Goal is Effortlessness and Total Enjoyment.

Take time out for yourself during the week to train so that you can have a safer, more exciting weekend.  You don't have to be a Gym Rat but you do have to be active during the week.  Your fitness level needs to match your living level.  

Excel with Your Fitness So You Can 
Excel in Your Life and All of its Adventures.