Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fog, Whales, and a Great Hike

My Labor Day Weekend 2012.  
Destination: Salt Point State Park Jenner, California.
I am a grain of salt in this grand scene. Pearman Fitness (bottom left)

Welcome to Northern California.  A land of fog, whales, cliffs, mountains, and breathtaking views.  Nowhere in the world does the land and ocean come together in such a magnificent way.   

After a 2 1/2 hour drive from San Francisco my friends and I peeled our rears from the car seats, jumped to the earth, arched our backs like cats, and lengthened our tight thighs.  Not knowing what to expect we parked on the side of the road and followed an ambiguously labeled trail sign.  The fields were golden and dry, crunching beneath our feet as we began what would become a glorious day of surprises. 

This was our first glimpse of the ocean.  The fog ebbed and flowed, covering us one moment and retreating the next.  A seagull flew past casually and I found myself standing in silence.

Turning down the coast we stumbled upon an old, tall, angular tombstone with two names.  After digesting the dates we learned a tragic story of the fate of a family in the 1870s.  A father passed away only to be followed by his infant daughter 20 days later. I can't imagine the loneliness this widow endured as she buried her husband and child.  And I can't imagine how this outlook into the ocean spoke to her as the world seemed to take so much of her life away.

And now I found myself in the same spot. 

The Fog was most refreshing. 
Once I spot a beach on a hike I instantly analyze: Can this be done?  After sliding down lose sand and rock, hanging onto plants and tree roots, I safely planted my feet on the gravel of a deserted beach.  Prehistoric boulders, smooth and tan, crept from the ocean, like lizards desperate to bathe in the sun.  And I ran to each one leaping, smiling, and climbing to the top.

  Striking a pose.

As each bend broke in a trail and a completely new scene unfolded before us, Hans, David, and I would harmonize adjectives--Wow! Amazing! Incredible! Crazy! And with a quick share of smiles no other words were necessary.

Friends make every experience more rich.  To know that you will cherish and share these exact moments for the rest of your lives, adds a instantaneous value to the experience.

The Heavenly Reach of Trees. 

Dinosaur Hill. 

Every hill is worth climbing.  Any chance you have to become a giant and gather a larger scope of your surroundings should be taken.  Get excited.  Lose the fear.  And climb up, scoot out, and take it all in.

The Incessant Urge to Climb Manifested. 

As we finished our last hike we returned to a clear sky.   Green, gold, and blue radiated all around us.  With our last blinks, staring into the horizon two puffs of water jumped from the ocean.  Whales!

We took off running, angling ourselves down the field toward the ocean, with the hope of getting a close view.  David in front, Hans in the middle, we bolted down a tightrope of a trail full sprint.  The excitement lifted our spirits and I felt like I could hold that pace forever.  The field gave way to a rocky, alien-like surface.  Jagged, porous rock slowed down our fevered run as we opened our lungs to the ocean and waited for the surface to break.

Suddenly, two dark humps peaked out of the water and two whale spouts brought a sound of life.  We stood there happy and surprised once again.  Standing on the edge of a continent, waves crashing at our feet, and whales saying their last goodbyes... What luck!